
Members of a Role

Team members may be added to or removed from a role from the Members of a Role page.
Members of a Role

Search Members box

1. Search Members box
Users may use the Search Members box to search for team members.

Name column

2. Name column
The Name column shows the name of the team member.

Email Address column

3. Email Address column
The Email Address column shows the email address of the team member.

Has Licence column

4. Has Licence column
The Has Licence column shows whether the team member currently has a licence for the corresponding service.

Membership checkbox

5. Membership checkbox
The membership checkbox displays whether the team member is a member of the current role. If the checkbox is ticked, the team member is a member of the role. If the checkbox is unticked, the team member is not a member of the role. Users may click on the checkbox to toggle membership status.

Submit button

6. Submit button
Users may click the Submit button to save changes.

Licensing Information

7. Licensing Information
The Licensing Information shows how many licences remain and how many will be consumed by adding the selected users to the role.