
Overview of Window

The Lexacom window is divided into a number of tabs, with additional sections for the Comments on the current job and the progress of tasks performed by the application.
Overview of Window

Review tab

1. Review tab
The Review tab shows the Review grid which contains the jobs that on workflow steps visible to the user.

Tracking tab

2. Tracking tab
The Tracking tab is only visible to users with the Author role. The Tracking tab shows the user's Tracking grid which contains all the jobs that the user has created that have not yet been Dispatched (finished).

Current Job tab

3. Current Job tab
The Current Job tab shows the details of the current job. According to the workflow step that the job is currently on, the user may be able to add or edit the media on the job from here. The user can cancel or save changes to the job, and progress the job to other workflow steps.

Search tab

4. Search tab
The Search tab allows the user to search for a jobs, and view a summary of the details on those

Comments & Audit Trail

5. Comments & Audit Trail
The Comments panel allows users to add comments to a job. These comments are visible to all users that can see the job.

Task Progress

6. Task Progress
The Task Progress panel shows the status of tasks performed by Lexacom such as loading or saving jobs.