
Active Licenses

The Active Licences box shows the team's current active licences, including the current number consumed, and whether the licence is a trial licence and if this has an expiration date.
Active Licenses

Name column

1. Name column
The Name column shows the name of the licensed product (e.g. Lexacom, Lexacom Echo).

Count column

2. Count column
The Count column shows the count of consumed licences and total number of licences for the product. A licence is consumed by a user if the user is a member of one or more of the roles corresponding to that service.

Expiration Date column

3. Expiration Date column
The Expiration Date column shows the expiration date of the licenses. If no expiration date is shown there is no scheduled expiration to the licences for that service.

Trial column

4. Trial column
The Trial column shows whether the product is currently being trialled. If a tick is shown the product is on trial.

Search box

5. Search box
Users may use the Search box to search for a particular product.