
Adding Teams

Team owners and users with the Admin role of Distributor and Reseller teams may add managed teams from their Managed Teams tab.
  Adding Teams

Click Add Team button

Click the Add Team button in the Teams page.

Enter Team Name

2. Enter Team Name
Enter a name for the new team in the Name field.

Select Team Type

3. Select Team Type
Select the type of the team from the dropdown:
  • Customer teams have no managed teams. Customer teams are administered by Sysadmins.
  • Reseller teams may have managed Customer teams. Team owners and users with the Admin role may create managed teams and perform administrative actions over their managed teams.
  • Distributor teams may have managed Customer and Reseller teams. Team owners and users with the Admin role may create managed teams and perform administrative actions over their managed teams.

Enter Email Address

4. Enter Email Address
Enter the email address of the user in the Email Address field. As a user may be a member of multiple teams, there is no obligation to use a different email address if they already have a Lexacom account.

[Optional] Enter Title

5. [Optional] Enter Title
Enter the title of the user in the Title field, or select a title from the dropdown list.

Enter Given Name

6. Enter Given Name
Enter the given name of the user in the Given Name field. Lexacom applications display names in the order GivenName FamilyName. If the user already has a Lexacom account, this will not overwrite their existing given name.

Enter Family Name

7. Enter Family Name
Enter the family name of the user in the Given Name field. Lexacom applications display names in the order GivenName FamilyName. If the user already has a Lexacom account, this will not overwrite their existing family name.

Click Submit button

8. Click Submit button
Click the Submit button to create the team.
If the new team owner already has a Lexacom account, they will receive an automated email to inform them that they have been added to this team. Team owners are automatically confirmed members of the team, and do not need to confirm team membership.
If the new team member does not already have a Lexacom account, they will receive an automated email to confirm their account. This will direct the user to follow a confirmation link and create a password. When this is complete they will receive an automated success email.