
Managed Teams

Distributor and Reseller teams may have managed teams. Team owners and users with the Admin role of these teams can administer these managed teams, including setting team details, managing team members, and activating and configuring services.
Reseller teams may have their own managed customer teams.
Distributor teams may have managed customer and reseller teams. A Distributor team's managed reseller teams may in turn have their own managed customer teams. If a reseller team has the Allow Parent to Administer Managed Teams setting enabled, its parent Distributor team may perform administrative actions over its managed customer teams.
Managed Teams

Add Team button

1. Add Team button
The Add Team button allows the user to add a managed team.

Id column

2. Id column
The ID column shows the team ID of the managed team.

Name column

3. Name column
The Name column shows the name of the managed team.

Owner column

4. Owner column
The Owner column displays the Owner of the managed team, which may be the current user.

Active column

5. Active column
The Active column displays whether the team is Active. Active teams show a green tick, and inactive teams display a red cross.

Type column

6. Type column
The Type column displays whether the team is a Customer team, or a Reseller team.

Search box

7. Search box
Users may use the search box to search for teams by name or postcode.

Navigate to team button

8. Navigate to team button
Users may click the Navigate to Team button to navigate to that team's page.