

Some Lexacom workflows require users to set a priority media on a job. Priority media describes the urgency of a job.
Priorities have Deadline and Warning periods. When a job is progressed from the first workflow step, the job's deadline and warning time is set according to its Priority. Users may filter their list of jobs to show those past warning period, and those past deadline.

Media name

1. Media name
The name of the media is displayed above the grid of values.

Name column

2. Name column
The Name column shows the name of the Priority value.

Colour column

3. Colour column
The Colour column shows the colour assigned to the Priority value.

Deadline column

4. Deadline column
The Deadline column shows the deadline period assigned to the Priority value. The period takes the format dd.hh:mm:ss.
Users in Lexacom can filter the list of jobs to display only those past their deadline period.

Warn At Duration column

5. Warn At Duration column
The Warn At Duration column shows the Warn At Duration period assigned to the Priority value. The period takes the format dd.hh:mm:ss.
Users in Lexacom can filter the list of jobs to display only those past their Warn At Duration period but not yet past their Deadline period.

Search box

6. Search box
The Search box allows the user to search for a Priority value.

Add Priority button

7. Add Priority button
The Add Priority button allows the user to add a Priority.

Edit Priority button

8. Edit Priority button
The Edit Priority button allows the user to edit an existing Priority.

Delete Priority button

9. Delete Priority button
The Delete Priority button allows the user to delete an existing Priority.
Changes must be saved by clicking the Submit button at the bottom of the Lexacom Configuration page.