
Progress Bar

The Progress Bar shows the duration of the audio and the current position within this. The adjacent icons shows playback status and recording mode.
Progress Bar

Current Position time

1. Current Position time
The time of the current position in the audio is shown to the left of the Progress Bar.

Audio Marker (with text)

2. Audio Marker (with text)
Audio markers with text have a green symbol.

Audio Marker (without text)

3. Audio Marker (without text)
Audio markers without text have a red symbol.

Current Position

4. Current Position
The current position within the audio is shown by the white circular icon, and blue bar to its left-hand side. The current position in the audio may be changed by clicking and dragging this marker along the progress bar, using the rewind button, or rewind or ffwd controls on a supported device.

Audio Duration

5. Audio Duration
The duration of the audio is shown to the right of the Progress Bar.