
Table Navigation

Lexacom Portal uses tables to display data such as the members of a team, custom Echo commands, and configuration for Lexacom.
These tables break the data into pages for ease of navigation and to prevent loading all data simultaneously.
The tables in Lexacom Portal have navigation controls displayed in the bottom right corner of the table. The function of these controls are common to all the tables in Lexacom Portal.
Table Navigation

Rows dropdown

1. Rows dropdown
The Rows dropdown allows the user to select the rows per page. The larger number of rows per page the more information will be visible simultaneously, but the slower the page may take to load.

First Page button

2. First Page button
The First Page button will take the user to the first page.

Previous Page button

3. Previous Page button
The Previous Page button will take the user to the previous page.

Next Page button

4. Next Page button
The Next Page button will take the user to the next page.

Last Page button

5. Last Page button
The Last Page button will take the user to the last page.

Current Rows

6. Current Rows
The Current Rows shows the row numbers of the current page, and the total number of rows in the table.