Team owners and users with the Admin role may manage the pools assigned to the steps of a Workflow from the Workflow Steps page.
Each workflow step must have at least one pool assigned to it. Users in pools assigned to a step will have visibility of jobs at that workflow step. If the step is Author Only, the job will only be visible to the user that created the job.
Users that are assigned to the first step of a workflow will be able to create jobs on that workflow.
Step Index column
The Step Index column shows the index of the current step. The step index is the order of steps within the workflow (though jobs may not pass through all steps on the workflow, depending on its configuration).
The Author Only column shows whether the workflow step is Author Only. A job on an Author Only step is only visible to its Author (the user that created the job), and not to other members of the Pool.
Steps without filters appear with a red background. All steps must be visible to at least one pool. It is not possible to submit changes with a step in this state.