

Some workflow steps allow the user to add file attachments to the job. File attachments may be up to 20MB. Some filetypes (such as .exe) are prohibited. File attachments are saved with the job and are accessible to any user that has access to the job. File attachments may be added, removed, opened, and saved externally.


1. Attachment
The Attachment entry will show the attachment's icon, file name, modified date, and file size.

Add Attachment

2. Add Attachment
The Add Attachment button allows the user to add a file attachment to the job. A File Explorer window will open, allowing the user to browse to and select the file to attach. Multiple files in the same folder may be selected by holding the Ctrl key. Once the files have been selected, click Open.
The files will then appear in the Attachments section.

Download All Attachments button

3. Download All Attachments button
The Download All Attachments button downloads a copy of all attached files to the Lexacom program cache. This allows the attachment to be opened, and enables the attachment to be dragged from the Attachments box into other folders or applications.
When a job is opened, copies of the file attachments on the job are not initially downloaded to the program cache. Attachments that do not have a cached copy are shown with a red icon. Attachments that do not have a cached copy cannot be dragged into folders or other applications from the Attachments box.

Delete Attachment button

4. Delete Attachment button
The Delete Attachment button deletes the selected attachment(s).

Save Attachment button

5. Save Attachment button
The Save Attachment button saves the selected attachment locally. A File Explorer window will open, allowing the user to browse to and select the location to save the file.