The Current Work tab shows the details of the current job. The job can be loaded from the Review tab (or the Tracking tab if the user has the author role).
According to the workflow step that the job is currently on, the user may be able to add or edit the media on the job from here. The user can cancel or save changes to the job, and progress the job to other workflow steps.
The appearance and available function buttons, and media will depend on the job's current workflow and workflow step, and may appear differently to the example shown below.
The Current Workflow dropdown allows the author to select the workflow for the job.
Once a job has been saved and reloaded (on the first or later workflow steps), user will not be able to change the workflow. This section will show the Current workflow and step information:
As an exception, if a job is loaded by the Author from their Tracking grid, the Author is able to change the Workflow and Current Step of the job. The job must meet the media requirements of the workflow step.
The Dictation Data section contains fields and drop-downs for the media that categorises the job. Users can set or change these on workflow steps that allow this. For most workflows, these media items may be set and edited by the Author on the first workflow step, and are read-only for users on later workflow steps.
The Function buttons allow the user to cancel checkout of the job, save changes to the job (and either lock or unlock the job for editing by other users), and progress or move the job to other workflow steps.