
Audit Trail

The Audit Trail Events log changes to the job and its media, including changes of workflow step. Any user with visibility of the job (in the Review or Tracking grid, or selected as the results of a Search) may view the Audit Trail on a job.
Audit Trail

Comments view

1. Comments view
The Comments View shows only user-created comments on the job.

Summary view

2. Summary view
The Summary view shows both comments and a summary of key actions performed to the job.
Key Actions include:
  • Created - the job has been created
  • Checked out - the job has been loaded by a user; checked out jobs cannot be loaded (e.g. by other users) whilst checked out
  • Checked in - the job has been saved, allowing it to be loaded in a different session
  • Step Change - the job has changed from one workflow step to another

All view

3. All view
The All view shows comments and all actions performed to the job.
Sub Actions include:
  • Media changed - the media on a job has been changed from one value to another. Only saved changes are logged.