The Task Progress panel displays the status of current tasks performed by Lexacom, including saving jobs. The Task Progress panel may be displayed by clicking Task Progress in the bottom-left corner of the Lexacom window.
Tasks within the Task Progress panel will show the job's title, the action that is being or has been completed, the status of the action (completed, failed, or pending), and the time that the task occured.
Successful Task
Successful tasks are displayed with a green tick.
The time taken to perform a task is shown in the bottom-right corner of the task card.
Failed tasks are displayed with a red icon. The most usual cause of a failure for a job to save is that the device does not have internet access (or is having network problems) but Lexacom has not yet gone into offline mode.
The job and its media will be held locally until these can be saved. Failed tasks will retry when the application comes online, or is manually retried.
Pending tasks are displayed with a blue icon. Pending tasks are those performed whilst the application is offline. If users had a job open when they went offline, this will be cached and they will be able to continue to work on it. Users with a role that allows them to make jobs may continue to make jobs whilst offline, and when saving these will show as pending tasks.
The job and its media will be held locally until these can be saved. Pending tasks will retry when the application comes online, or is manually retried.
The Load button allows the user to load the selected job. Whilst Lexacom is offline, the user may continue to load and work on pending jobs by loading them from the task queue.
The Retry button allows the user to retry the selected failed or pending task. The task will be attempted again. Tasks will automatically be retried when Lexacom comes online.