
Comments & Audit Trail

The Comments panel allows users to add comments to a job. Comments allow users to add additional messages and notes to themselves and others who work on the job. These comments are visible to all users that can see the job.
The Comments stream also contains the Audit Trail for the job.
Comments & Audit Trail

Change View button

1. Change View button
The Change View button allows the user to show the audit trail events on the job. The Audit Trail Events log changes to the job and its media, including changes of workflow step.
The user may select to view a Summary of the key events on the job, or to view All events in the audit trail for the job.


2. Comment
Comments appear in chronological order in the comments pane. Comments made by the current user are coloured  blue and aligned to the right. Comments made by other users are coloured grey and aligned to the left.

User name

3. User name
The name of the user that created a comment is displayed at the top of the comment.


4. Timestamp
The date and time that the comment was created is displayed at the bottom of the comment. Comments are displayed in chronological order, with the most recent comments appearing at the bottom of the comments section.

Comment field

5. Comment field
Comments may be entered in the comment field. Comments are submitted by clicking the submit button, or pressing the Return/Enter key. New lines in the comment may be inserted by holding Shift+Return/Enter.