
Function Buttons

The Function buttons allow the user to cancel checkout of the job, save changes to the job (and either lock or unlock the job for editing by other users), and progress or move the job to other workflow steps.
The function buttons are defined by the workflow, and may appear differently to this example.
Function Buttons

Cancel Changes button

1.  Cancel Changes button
The Cancel Changes button unloads the current job and discards any unsaved changes that have made. If changes have been made, the user will be prompted to confirm that it is okay to discard these changes.
The cancel changes button does not appear for new jobs that have not been saved.

Save & Lock button

2.  Save & Lock button
The Save & Lock button saves and unloads the current job. The job is locked to the user. A job locked to a user may not be opened by another user.

Save & Unlock button

3.  Save & Unlock button
The Save & Unlock button saves and unloads the current job. The job is not locked to the user. A job that is not locked to a user may be opened by another user who has access to the job.

Progress button

4.  Progress button
The Progress button progresses the job to the next workflow step. Any changes to the job will be saved. The job will become available to the pool(s) that can see that workflow step.

Info button

5.  Info button
The Info button displays information about the current job.


6. Complete
The Complete button completes the job. Any changes to the job will be saved. The job will be completed, and no longer appear in users' Review or Tracking grids.
The Complete button appears if:
  • The step is the last step in the workflow, or
  • The workflow step is explicitly marked as a completion step, or
  • No media changes can be made at any future workflow steps (all media is read-only at future steps)
Completed jobs may be viewed in Search, and users with the Uncomplete jobs role can retrieve completed jobs.
If the workflow allows a user to complete a job at a step that is not the final workflow step, this job will not pass through any later workflow steps.