
Teams, Users, & Roles



Teams are the unit of organisation in Lexacom. In general, services (like Echo or Lexacom) are activated and configured at the Team level.
Users in a team are known as members of the Team. Teams must have at least one member, and may have any number of members.
One member of the team is the Owner. Team Owners (and users with the Team Admin role) may administer the teams that they manage, including activating, deactivating, and configuring services/products, and adding. removing, and assigning roles to members of the team. Team Owners act as the primary administrative contact for the team.
Some teams may have managed teams underneath them. Team owners and users with the Admin role may administer their team's managed teams as they can their own.


Users have a single account that they use across the Lexacom. Users are created as members of a Team, but once created their account may be made a member of another team, and a single user account may be a member of any number of teams. If a user is a member of more than one team, they will be asked to select a team when logging into an application (e.g. Echo or Lexacom).


As a member of a team, a user may be given roles that determine which services they may use and what role they have when using this product. A user may have different roles in different teams, and their roles in one team do not affect their roles in another.
Some roles are linked to a specific product and are only available when that product is active. Other roles, such as the Team Admin role, are available to all teams.